DogBite goes USA | news is the official DogBite dealer in USA and Kanada ! Retailer and Chains are welcome to contact furrypal. Private customers can buy dogbite jackets directly from the furrypal shop. Have a look! is the official DogBite dealer in USA and Kanada ! Retailer and Chains are welcome to contact furrypal. Private customers can buy dogbite jackets directly from the furrypal shop. Have a look! “The taking on and off the Softshell Jacket is furthermore very easy and quick which is very positive for impatient dogs. The Two-Way-Zipper allows for the dog to wear a harness under the Softshell Jacket which is my personal favourite feature..” Please click link !
“Nach langer entnervender Suche nach einer wirklich GUT passenden Hundejacke/-mantel habe ich nun letztlich das Modell der Firma DOGBITE entdeckt, das nicht nur durch ausgezeichnete Qualität der Materialien und Wärmewirkung, sondern vor allem durch seine, der Anatomie des Hundekörpers angepasste, nahezu perfekte Passform überzeugt.” Sonja Schreier-Wegmann, zertifizierte Hundetrainierin, Please click link !